One of many unempoyed Civil engineers

Civil engineer

Graduated in 2018 with a master's degree in civil engineering at the age of 23, After several months I worked at an architectural office as a trainee for 11 months, and kept looking for a job couldn't find anything, then there was covid, so almost 2 years of lockdown, with no job and no income. after things starting going back to normal,  all I could find is a minimum wage civil engineer position, I eventually accepted the job but then realized they had no idea what they were doing, how was I supposed to survey a project with no plans, no one wanted to hear my suggestions, then I overheard the supervisor say the company keeps getting warnings for the low quality they keep providing, then I knew that the only reason this company hired me was my diploma to qualify for projects, stopping insurance was a nightmare with them, they delayed the papers for some reason. I needed the insurance gone for my certification.

I got certified after almost a year, it was so slow and time-consuming, I just had no more passion for engineering, as I had no idea where to start due to the lack of experience, everyone kept telling me I need to stop being lazy and go ask for a job, at ANEM, I saw some positions on the website but they never called, every time I go there they tell me it's an error in the system or something, I was so out of my mind after this horrible experience..

I didn't want to give up, I kept looking and found nothing, after a few months I went to the ANEM agency again, and confidently kept telling them there is a position I saw on the site and that I'm a perfect fit, but they kept denying that there was a chance, I just asked for an interview so I showed the screenshot of the job and they replied with "Oh... yes there is but they need a female"... I was so disappointed. But I was even more disappointed when I told a female friend of mine to go there, she told me "they said the position is for a male".
It's almost 5 years after graduation, I'm 28 years old now, about to give up and start something completely unrelated to my field, I just wanted to share this, sorry if you have expected a turn in the story. I did all i can, but so far, I didn't get anything in return for the hard work I've put into this degree, and from the knowledge, i have gained,


Posted 2 years ago


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